Monday, July 27, 2009

Hey Guys, here's some pictures.

There are blackberries everywhere! Walker and Lindsey seem to have an eye for good patches along the road.

They were everywhere!

Big indeed.

Lindsey gets her first flat. I think this is somewhere in California.

The incredible view in Southern Oregon. This was at the bottom of a really chilly descent. I think the hill was a little over 800 feet. It gets really cold coming down into the ocean air.

There are many pictures of Lindsey from behind. You can guess who has the camera in their handlebar bag.

Another incredible view at the top of one of our many climbs. It is always worth it.

The Octopus Tree.

The Cliffs of Insanity! or the Oregon Coastline.

Lindsey at the Tillamook Cheese factory.

You can see what we thought of it.

A fabric store in Wheeler, OR. This was the only thing open on a Sunday when we rolled through.

This was the first Hiker/Biker site we came to in Oregon. The state parks will never turn a biker away, and they have free hot showers. It's pretty incredible. The staff is always really nice.

Another view of the Oregon coast. This was the top of our first 800 foot climb.

We made it to the beach. Holding our bikes up over our heads was the only logical thing to do. It was a hike down, worth it.

Our sleeping spot on the beach.

The view.

Lindsey cooking one of her fantastic rice, chicken and corn combos.

The yard where we stayed in Washington. We were having trouble finding a campsite our second night out and Randy pulled up next to us and offered his yard for free. He had a great lawn next to a nice creek.

Randy's home, and Bandit.

Mmmmm... I love eating.

Bandit protected our food while we slept.

The ferry out of Seattle, WA. I look sick, I wasn't.

Getting ready to leave Kashena's house in Seattle. She gave us a base in the city and was willing to watch our car for the summer in order to make this whole trip possible.

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